Call for Proposals

We are pleased to announce a call for papers, posters, panels, demos, and workshops for “Texts, languages and communities – TEI 2024”, the twenty-fourth conference and annual general meeting of the Text Encoding Initiative that will be held in person 7–11 October 2024 at Universidad del Salvador (USAL), Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Proposals must be submitted via ConfTool. Submissions are open until May 10.


The TEI Guidelines “are addressed to anyone who works with any kind of textual resource in digital form” and any source written in any language can be published in TEI. However, all texts are cultural constructs and can be understood, analyzed, and consequently, encoded, in many different ways. Even though the TEI’s remit is global, different communities of practice have grown as part of the initiative, like the East Asian/Japanese SIG, the Music SIG, or TTHub project. These different communities of practice have developed and put to use different approaches, methodologies and technologies for encoding and publishing cultural objects.

The conference topic – “Texts, languages and communities”– aims at highlighting the global outreach of the TEI together with its local adaptations and bringing us together as a diverse and multilingual community, where the exchange of experiences and shared learning will help us reflect on the texts we investigate, the languages we use, and the communities we create.


The conference welcomes contributions from all those who are developing or applying encodings for text and related cultural artifacts from fields including, but not limited to music, literature, history, linguistics, and archaeology in their work and research.

We are also especially interested in receiving proposals from participants with a range of expertise and a variety of roles, including independent and early-career scholars, research programmers and software engineers, cultural curators and archivists, librarians, as well as graduate and undergraduate students. We further invite proposals from participants who are newcomers to text encoding and may be first time attendees to the conference. Student travel bursaries for Argentine attendees will be available, as well as travel bursaries offered by the TEI and MEI consortia; more information will be provided after the review process.

Topics include, but are not limited to the use or application of TEI in:

We are also interested in:

All submissions will undergo double-blind peer review by multiple members of the program committee before acceptance. Please note the deadlines for the submission process outlined under Important Dates below.

After the conference, the authors of accepted submissions will be invited to submit a full-length paper to a special issue of the peer-reviewed and open-access Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative. Papers submitted to the Journal will undergo a new round of peer review by either Program Committee members or the wider community before publication. Language The proposals must be submitted in Spanish or English. Simultaneous interpretation will be available for English into Spanish and Spanish into English for keynote conferences. Submission Guidelines

Each submission should include a title, an abstract, up to five keywords, and a brief biography for each author. Each biography should be no more than 300 characters and should include current affiliation and research interests.

Authors are invited to submit their abstract in both the languages of the conference, although this is not mandatory.

Long Paper submissions are expected to present overviews or detail specific aspects of ongoing or completed projects, present detailed case-studies or elaborated perspectives on best practices in the field, or provide other reports on topics relevant to the conference (see Topics above). Speakers will be given 30 minutes each: 20 minutes for presentation, 10 minutes for discussion. Proposals should not exceed 500 words.

Short paper submissions are suitable for introducing tools, raising new ideas, and experimental topics. Speakers will be given 15 minutes each: 10 minutes for presentation, 5 minutes for discussion. Proposals should not exceed 300 words.

Demo submissions are suitable for showing tools related to TEI encoding we are working on and with. Tool demonstrators will be given 10 minutes each and 5 minutes fos discussion. Proposals for tool demonstrations should not exceed 300 words.

Poster submissions are expected to report on early-stage work, introduce new work, projects, or software, or present experimental ideas for community feedback. A “poster slam” session will be dedicated to poster presentations of 1 minute each. Subsequently, poster presenters will have the chance to tell interested parties more about their project during the poster exhibition, where the audience can browse freely. Proposals should not exceed 300 words.

Panels are suited to coordinated approaches or discussions relating to a single theme. Submissions should describe the topic and nature of the panel, along with the main theses and objectives of the proposed contributions. Panel sessions will be given 90 minutes, which can be used flexibly to include, for example, 3 individual papers followed by questions, or a roundtable discussion. Proposals should not exceed 800 words.

Half- or full-day pre-conference workshops. Proposals should include conveners, a description of the workshop’s objective and proposed duration, as well as its logistical and technical requirements. Proposals should not exceed 800 words and must include:

Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

SIG coordinators interested in holding a meeting during the conference should contact the local hosts to book a room:

Additional Information

The conference will be held in person.

The TEI plans to hold its annual general meeting for its members as part of this joint conference.

Additional details regarding registration, accommodation, etc. will be announced on the conference website, TEI mailing list, Twitter(X) and Facebook.

In case of questions, feel free to contact us: