30 April 10 May: Upload of submissions (see Submission Guidelines) for review to ConfTool. Submissions must be in DOCX or ODT format.
18 June: Notification of acceptance and invitation to authors of accepted submissions. Registration opens.
25 June – 12 August: Early Bird Registration. At least one author per accepted submission must register and confirm participation.
10 July: Bursaries application deadline. (more information here)
2 August: Revisions to abstracts to be completed by this date and (S)IG meeting room request deadline
12 de agosto: Inscription deadline for presenters (papers, posters, workshop, panels). At least one author per accepted submission must register and confirm participation.
13 August – 20 Sept: Late Registration.
7–11 October: Pre-conference workshops and conference.
15 December: Submission of full-length papers to a special issue of the Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative. These papers are welcome to incorporate modifications in response to feedback obtained during the conference. The special issue of the Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative will undergo additional peer-review and serve as curated, open-access proceedings for the conference.